Detoxifying Diets May Offer More Health Benefits Than Weight-Loss Diets
Released on = December 28, 2005, 11:16 am
Press Release Author = Innovative Healing
Industry = Healthcare
Press Release Summary = Health expert Dr. Ann Louise Gittleman will appear on the Access to Health Experts interview series to explain her findings that a one -day detox diet offers significant health benefits.
Press Release Body = December 27, 2005 -- Ann Louise Gittleman PhD, CNS will appear on January 11, 2006 as a special guest as a guest on Dr. Liz Lipski's Access to Health Experts interview series to discuss her new book, "The Fast Track ONE-DAY Detox Diet". Dr. Gittleman will discuss her research findings that indicate that for many people a short one-day detoxification diet offers significant health benefits.
With more than 80,000 chemicals already in commercial use and one new chemical entering industry every 20 minutes, many individuals are unknowingly stockpiling up to 500 contaminants in their bodies - even newborns are testing positive for bloodstream contaminants! Gittleman's latest book, The Fast Track ONE-DAY Detox Diet, is designed to raise awareness about the myriad of poisons that pollute the environment and how to protect your body.
During her Access to Health Experts interview Dr. Ann Louise Gittleman will provide details of her easy-to-follow program including a 7-Day Prequel consisting of special Liver-Loving and Colon-Caring foods to support the major detox organs; a one-day fast featuring a deliciously spiced miracle juice designed to stave off hunger pangs and regulate blood sugar; a 3-Day Sequel adding in probiotics to support immunity; and 3 Maintenance Approaches that offer something to every dieter out there.
Dr. Ann Louise Gittleman explains, "Your body is made to fast. It does so every night when you go to bed and then get up and break the fast, hence "breakfast." Basically, during the one-day fast the body enters the same type of cleansing cycle that it does during sleep. Fasting allows the body a day of rest, a day to cleanse and heal. Instead of using its vital energy for digesting food, the body uses its energy for cleansing the system of accumulated toxins and healing any body part that is sick. The body consumes what is not essential to normal functioning like stored fat, bacteria, and other aged and toxic matter. Most people have reserves of thirty days before they would begin starving or breaking down vital bodily tissues".
To attend the free Access to Health Experts interviews visit Written and audio transcripts are available for purchase after the event from the Innovative Healing Book Store.
About Dr. Gittleman: Ann Louise Gittleman PhD, CNS, is the award-winning author of over twenty books, including the New York Times bestsellers Before the Change and The Fat Flush Plan. There are more than 5 million copies of her books in print. Her latest book is, The Fast Track ONE-DAY Detox Diet. She has appeared on Dr. Phil, The View, Extra, Good Morning America, PBS, and CNN, among countless other programs.
About Access to Health Experts: Access to Health Experts is a monthly teleseminar interview series hosted by Liz Lipski, PhD, CCN. The program features interviews with many of the most prominent and authoritative experts in integrative medicine. Dr. Lipski is a nationally-known nutritionist and author of Digestive Wellness (3rd Edition McGraw Hill). Innovative Healing is in Asheville, North Carolina.
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Contact Details = Christopher Dennen, PhD
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